
Bottle Bins

The bottle bins are an essential fundraiser for the dens and the pack. The funds from the Bins help pay Scout fees and cover costs for the various events offered to the Scout families. The goal is to get each family in the pack helping out each month. If you need training, just email the pack account and we will help you out.

Bottle Bin Updates:

Currently, the Pack/Den split is 40% to the Pack and 60% to the den.  Below are the dates we are responsible for the bins.

November 3 - 7

December 15 - 18

January 26 - 30

March 8 - 12

April 19 - 23

May 31 - June 4

Sign Ups:

Please check the Pack calendar for Cub Scout Bottle Bins weekends. Click on the dates to sign up for a time slot. If you need training, please reach out to the Pack email!